V- Line Facial Slimming
Facial slimming is a popular non-surgical treatment used to achieve a slim and contoured jawline.
Who is an appropriate candidate to have this procedure done?
The most important criteria to decide if you are a good candidate is the thickness of your masseter muscle (jaw muscle). The relative thickness of the masseter can be easily determined by biting down hard and feeling the outer jawline. If the muscle appears to be almost rock hard and enlarged in appearance when you clench your teeth, you may be a good candidate to have this procedure done.
What does the procedure involve ?
Prior the treatment :
The doctor will review your medical history to ensure you are suitable for the treatment, medically examine the jaw muscle to determine the injection sites and explain the procedure, after care, all possible complications and how to avoid prior the treatment.
Post treatment care :
Patients must not lay or bend down for 4 hours after the injection in order to prevent headache. Specific after care instructions will be provided during your visit by our clinic consultants.
Pre-Treatment Tips
● It is recommended to discontinue the use of Aspirin, Motrin, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days to 1 week before and after treatment to minimize bruising or bleeding. Please consult with your primary physician prior to discontinuing any medications.
● Avoid alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, high sugar foods, refined carbohydrates, spicy foods, and cigarettes 24-48 hours before and after your treatment. (All of these factors may increase risk of bruising and swelling).
● If you develop a cold / flu, cold sore, blemish, or rash, etc. in the area to be treated prior to your appointment, we recommend that you please reschedule your appointment until it resolves.
● It is recommended to discontinue Retin-A two (2-3) days before treatment to avoid any increased redness and irritation.
● It is recommended that you wait at least 2 weeks to have botulinum toxin treatments performed if you have previously had cosmetic treatments with laser, ultrasound, peels, facials or micro-dermabrasion.
● You are not a suitable candidate if you’re breastfeeding or pregnant.
Post-Treatment Botox
● Avoid Aspirin, Motrin, Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days to 1 week after treatment. These items may increase bleeding and bruising.
● Avoid alcohol, caffeine, Niacin supplement, high-sodium foods, high sugar foods, refined carbohydrates, spicy foods, and cigarettes 24-48 hours after your treatment. These items may contribute to increased swelling or irritation.
● Avoid the use of Retin-A or similar products (ex. Kinerase, Tazarac) 2 days after treatment to avoid increased irritation or redness.
● Avoid cosmetic treatments such as laser, ultrasound, peels, facials or micro-dermabrasion for 2 weeks after treatment with Dysport® or Botox®.
● Try to avoid wearing makeup until the day after treatment. Earlier use may cause pustules. If you must wear makeup we recommend a good quality mineral makeup for the face.
● Please report to your provider if any increased pain, increased swelling, redness, blisters, or itching immediately, should it occur following your treatment.
● The treatment may take 2-10 days to take full effect. It is recommended that the touchup, if needed, be done no later than 2 weeks after the initial treatment.
● Avoid wearing hats or headbands after treatment.
Opening Hours
Sun to Wed 11 AM to 7 PM
Thurs to Sat 11 AM to 9 PM
Others Times By Appointment